Melanie C 2K

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Hello! Select what page out of the five options about you want to look at 'about us'.  The current page you are on is the 'Us' page. Want to know more about the team?  Well here goes...

Webmaster: Paul

Name:                 Paul


[click to enlarge]


Age:                         16

Lives:                  Midlands, UK

Favourite Band:    This is a hard question now; Spice Girls or Atomic Kitten.

Favourite Artist:   Melanie C -d'uh!

Favourite Song:   'I Wonder What It Would Be Like' by Melanie C.

Favourite Saying: 'hmm, will get that site thing done soon' - yeah right!  You guys are going to have to get onto me sometimes!


Concert:               Atomic Kitten

Web Experience:   SPICE FANS 2K & HS News

Love:                        Melanie C... hehe


I am going to continue from September onto 6th Form where I am gonna study Geography, Modern History, English Lit and Sociology!

I plan to work on an Atomic Kitten site, but I am going to take it quite slow, and get it right.  My main priority is the Melanie C site.  I also currently work on Hear'Say News.


Contact Paul:

Features Editor: Krt

Name:                 Krt

Lives:                  California, USA

Favourite Band:    Spice Girls

Favourite Artist:   Melanie C and Sarah McLachlan

Favourite Song:    'Go!' by Melanie C.

Favourite Saying:  (sorry, us lazy Americans aren't used to spelling "favorite" with a "u" tee hee!) "90% of the job is preparation" (got that from a fortune cookie!).


Concert:               Melanie C. (Anaheim, HOB)

Web Experience:   Personal and Fun Websites for educational purposes.  Now an updater here...

Love:                        Artichokes


Will be graduation from a private college in June this year. Then who knows from there!

Contact Krt

Want to know more about us? e-mail us with your questions: .